BRITISH COLUMBIA - The Silver Coin property near Stewart has returned 9.15 metres of 47.37 g/t Au plus 69.56 g/t Ag for partners MOUNTAIN BOY MINERALS and PINNACLE MINES. The latter company is earning a 51% interest in the project. The intersection was made in the south extension of the Main breccia zone and included a spectacular 2.74-metre section grading 140.00 g/t Au and 219.00 g/t Ag.
Based on the 2005 exploration program, the partners believe the overall strike length is defined along 2,000 metres to a vertical depth of 700 metres and varying from 10 to 100 metres wide. The Main breccia zone mineralization is typified by an early stage of pervasive sericite-pyrite-quartz alteration; a main stage of quartz stockworks, breccias and silicification carrying gold associated with disseminated pyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite; and a late stage of semi-massive sulphide pods carrying significant base metal values. Mineralization at Silver Coin is consistent with the two main types of mineralization at the nearby, former producing Silbak-Premier mine.
Details, including previous exploration and resources, of the Silver Coin project are posted at