GREENLAND - METALEX VENTURES of Kelowna, B.C., has completed the glaciation studies of its diamond exploration project in Greenland. The company says the studies indicated that there were two ice directions: a dominant ice sheet moving east-to-west and a small valley glacier moving in the opposite direction. The second event redistributed minerals dispersed by the earlier ice sheet, leading Metalex to surmise the likely source of the diamond indicator minerals is either under a lake on the property or to the immediate west or southwest.
Metalex is targeting coincident magnetic and gravity anomalies up-ice from the first glaciation. The targets will be drill-tested this winter.
KEL-EX DEVELOPMENT, owned by Metalex chairman Dr. Charles Fipke, is managing the project in Greenland. Fipke examined two earlier samples of indicator minerals from the property and said they had more high quality (Cr2O3:CaO ratio) G10 garnets than he had ever seen before, including from the work he did on 9,000 samples from the Ekati claim block.
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