NEWFOUNDLAND - COMMANDER RESOURCES of Vancouver has reported the discovery of a new high-grade uranium showing in the southern part of the province.
The Doucette prospect, located on the White Bear River property, consists of stratiform uranium mineralization in metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. Sixteen composite rock chip samples from this discovery returned values ranging from 0.13% to 1.32% U3O8 (or approximately 2.8 lb to 29.0 lb per tonne contained U3O8). Six of these samples contained in excess of 0.67% U3O8 (14.7 lb/tonne U3O8). Refer to the map and complete table of results on the company's website at
Prospector Wayne Doucette made the discovery using a handheld spectrometer. His findings included numerous angular boulders scattered over a distance measuring several hundred metres across the strike of the local stratigraphy.
Commander has staked an additional 40,000 hectares in an area covering a major geological belt known as the Hermitage Flexure. This formation ties together the Blue Hills and White Bear uranium properties, says the company. Trenching and sampling are planned for the Doucette and other showings on the Blue Hills property.