IDAHO - Vancouver-based TWIN MINING CORP. and the IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE have reached an agreement on treating acid drainage from the Atlanta gold mine, located 100 km west of Boise.
The Idaho Conservation League complained in federal court that Twin Mining's subsidiary, Atlanta Gold which owns the old mine, was in violation of the U.S. Clean Water Act by allowing drainage to continue from an old adit. The adit was constructed in 1917, and seepage from it for many years has found its way into Montezuma Creek, a tributary of the Middle Fork Boise River. Atlanta Gold has initiated the application process for a Clean Water Act permit from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for this discharge.
Under the settlement, Atlanta Gold will complete construction of a new water treatment system by Dec. 1, 2005, and will create a fund of US$25,000 to be used for additional environmental projects benefiting water quality in the Boise River watershed. The settlement has been submitted to the federal district court for approval. Atlanta Gold also proposed to extend its clean-up work to other historic adits on the property in conjunction with EPA oversight, and the Idaho Conservation League supports these efforts.
Twin Mining completed a bankable feasibility study in November 2004. An executive summary of that study is posted at