TANZANIA - The search for a new gold discovery near the existing Tulawaka mine in Tanzania has hit pay dirt, says Montreal-based NORTHERN MINING EXPLORATIONS. Northern is a 30% partner in the mine with BARRICK GOLD (see CMJ, June 2005 issue).
The new discovery was made on the Simba licences, which are held 70% by Northern and 30% by LAKOTA RESOURCES of Toronto. The area lies 25 km north of the Tulawaka mine and processing plant. Northern has completed more than 5,000 metres of rotary air blast and reverse circulation drilling so far. The best hole, ISRAB21, returned 14.93 g/t Au over 5.0 metres and 6.37 g/t over 30.0 metres including 14.54 g/t over 8.0 metres.
"These recent drilling results are very encouraging and demonstrate that we are on the right track," said Northern CEO Carlos Bertoni. He may be contacted at 514-866-6500.