Toronto-based SOUTHERN STAR RESOURCES has added Terry MacGibbon, who is president & CEO of FNX Mining, to the Southern Star board of directors. MacGibbon is the recipient of the 2004 Mine Developer of the Year Award made by the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada.
Craig Waldie is the new VP exploration for Montreal's GOLDEN GOOSE RESOURCES. He is a P.Geo with 20 years of domestic and international mineral exploration and management experience. His mandate includes an evaluation of the company's Magino gold property near Wawa, Ontario, followed by a review of other projects in Ontario and Quebec.
DEVON ENERGY CORPORATION of Oklahoma City recently promoted Terry L. Shyer to the position of VP planning and evaluation. Devon Canada is constructing the next oil sands producer, the Jackfish SAGD project, in northern Alberta.
Vancouver-based GEOLOGIX EXPLORATIONS has named Dunham L. Craig as president. He was formerly VP corporate development at Glencairn Gold and project manager for the Bellavista gold mine in Costa Rica.