I want to draw your attention to an exciting project that my company launched this week, for the first time ever.
Although Canadian Mining Journal is a venerable publication, with issues dating back almost to Precambian time (1882), for most of that time the magazine has been owned by a succession of publishing houses. The current owner is the Business Information Group (BIG) of Hollinger Canadian Newspapers.
Last week, two days after Hurricane Katrina hit the U.S. gulf states, the president of BIG, Bruce Creighton, asked the editors of all publications to drop everything and come up with articles about the impact of the hurricane's devastation on the markets that we serve. "Our readers are likely in search of specific information about the impact on their particular industries which they will not be able to get from the mainstream press," he said. "This presents us with the opportunity to provide them with such information by leveraging our editorial expertise in each industry as well as our significant online capabilities." The result is a special electronic supplement that was sent to many of our readers on September 7, and appears on our website.
As one of Canada's largest trade magazine publishers, we cover 25 different markets, which can be viewed at www.esourcecanada.com. In the last few years we have established a strong electronic presence in each market, sending targeted weekly Alerts to tens of thousands of readers. We know we are hitting the mark with many of them. The Canadian Mining Journal website clocks around 2,000 visits every Thursday just after our Alert is sent out. An average of more than 300,000 visitors are attracted to the BIG sites each month.
In an era when individuals, departments and companies are prone to defining and limiting themselves, this bold venture has knocked down all the silos. Our editorial products have been brought together, so readers have a rich selection of industry perspectivesfrom the mining, energy and transportation groups, the insurance sector, the environmental group and many others. I will be particularly intrigued to discover what angles the Gifts and Tableware crew has come up with, as well as the dental group.
Make a point of checking out the Katrina supplement, to find out what a large Canadian trade publisher can do. We welcome your feedback, and will use it to improve how we bring industry news and views to our most important customer: you.