MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Wardrop, Crosshair, Firestone Ventures

Toronto-based and active worldwide, WARDROP has created a new mining and minerals consulting group for "front-...
Toronto-based and active worldwide, WARDROP has created a new mining and minerals consulting group for "front-end" services. The members of the group are John Kierman (project viability), Jamie Lavigne (geology and modeling), Andrew Marchbank (mineral processing), and Dave West (underground mine and open pit design).

CROSSHAIR EXPLORATION AND MINING of Vancouver has named Timothy Froude general manager for Newfoundland projects and the company's chief geologist. Chris Collingwood, who is president and CEO of Blaine Johnston Corp., has been added to Crosshair's advisory board.

Peter Aubry, president of Aubry Consultants, Bopete Resources and Westcal Gas, has been appointed to the advisory board of Vancouver's FIRESTONE VENTURES.


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