GOLD-COPPER-MOLY EXPLORATION NEWS Pebble Deposit Looks to be One of World’s Largest

COOK INLET, Alaska The Pebble porphyry gold-copper-molybdenum deposit is shaping up to be one of the largest in t...
COOK INLET, Alaska The Pebble porphyry gold-copper-molybdenum deposit is shaping up to be one of the largest in the world, according to NORTHERN DYNASTY MINERALS, a member of the HUNTER DICKINSON GROUP.

Results of the first third-party, independent resource estimate infer that there are 13.1 million oz of gold and 6.8 billion lb of copper in the ground. The estimate was made by SNOWDEN MINING INDUSTRY CONSULTANTS of Australia. Snowden based its report on drill core results obtained by Cominco American in 1997 and on detailed logging of the core by Northern Dynasty. At a copper equivalent cut-off grade of 0.30%, the inferred resource is 1.0 billion tonnes grading 0.40 g/t Au, 0.30% Cu and 0.015% Mo.

In releasing news of the Pebble deposit, Northern Dynasty compared it to NORTHGATE's Kemess South deposit in British Columbia (200.4 million tonnes at 0.63 g/t Au and 0.22% Cu), NEWCREST's Cadia deposit in Australia (204.0 million tonnes at 0.74 g/t Au and 0.17% Cu), and NEWMONT's Batu Hijau deposit in Indonesia (914.4 million tonnes at 0.41 g/t Au and 0.52% Cu).

Complete information about the Pebble project is found at For more detail about the latest resource estimate go to Investor Info and click on News Releases.


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