GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS First Estimates Made of Orfee Gold Zone

JAMES BAY, Que. The first, tentative estimates of the resource of the Orfee gold zone have been released. The zon...


JAMES BAY, Que. The first, tentative estimates of the resource of the Orfee gold zone have been released. The zone appears to have a measured resource of 88,588 tonnes grading 9.44 g/t Au and an inferred resource of 114,895 tonnes at 18.40 g/t Au. Combined, this represents nearly 95,000 contained ounces. The estimates are based on surface and drilling results completed by the end of March 2003, using a minimum width of 3 m and a cut-off level of 90 g/t Au.

The Orfee zone is located at the Poste Lemoyne project, a 50-50 joint venture of VIRGINIA GOLD MINES and GLOBESTAR MINING. Virginia, the operator, says the mineralized zone has been traced along a length of 50 m, a width of 3-9 m, and a depth of 250 m, and it remains open at depth.

Contact Virginia president Andr Gaumond or VP exploration Paul Archer at 800-476-1853 or send e-mail to


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