AUSTRALIA The newest release, Version 5, of MAPTEK's Vulcan geological modelling software is designed with functionality, streamlined workflow and ease of use in mind.
The developer claims to have made more than 1,500 modifications and enhancements to this product. Some of the major changes include:
● a new block model structure that allows for larger models while increasing speed and efficiency;
● a new user interface for advanced reserves including the added functionality of reserving centrelines;
● enhanced underground ring design with drill rig library and many other improvements;
● a new haulage profile module that allows the user to calculate truck cycle times, distances to destinations by bench (i.e., dumps, crusher and stockpiles) and truck/equipment productivity, and store the results in a block model;
● new primitives editor that makes creating and applying primitives easier than ever;
● the ability to control the width of a downhole display to visually enhance particular lithologies or quality attributes. This aids geological interpretation of grade/lithology domains by allowing easier differentiation of the zones of interest.
● major enhancements to the open pit design tools including the ability to insert a slot cut;
● customizable right click functionality along with the ability to quickly recall recently used menu options;
● a new scalable cursor option that enables quick visual estimation of distances while doing design work;
● a new underground ventilation module that allows users to create a mine ventilation network, run a simulation, and report on the results. A customized report file of the ventilation parameters can then be generated and broken down into different sections.
If the new Vulcan version is on your "must have" list, visit, or call the Maptek office in Denver, Colo., at 303-763-4919.