OTTAWA On May 10, the Hon. David Anderson, Minister of the Environment, announced draft regulations to help reduce smog emissions from off-road diesel engines that power construction, mining, farming and forestry machines. The regulations have been published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, for a 60-day public comment period. (Go to and click on "Consultation.) They are expected to become final in early 2005 and apply to 2006 and later year engines.
In 2000, emissions of nitrous oxides and volatile organic compounds from the diesel engines that powered construction, mining, farming and forestry machines were equivalent to those produced by about 480,000 heavy duty diesel trucks and buses. As well, these engines contributed about 13% of the total nitrous oxides emissions in Canada, and, when compared to other off-road sources, the bulk of sulphur oxides, and particulate matter emissions.