GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Underground Work Confirms Drilling Results at Casa Berardi

LaSARRE, Quebec Underground exploration has begun at the Casa Berardi project, a former producer owned 100% by AU...


LaSARRE, Quebec Underground exploration has begun at the Casa Berardi project, a former producer owned 100% by AURIZON MINES of Vancouver. The program includes deepening and extending the present ramp in the West mine, drifting to access the 113 zone and along ore on the 550-m level, definition drilling, and bulk sampling. The contract for this work was awarded to ROSS-FINLAY 2000.

Drillholes that were created during the advance of the development headings in the Lower Inter zone on the 430-m level, support results of diamond drilling. Chip samples from the first heading assayed 28.4 g/t Au over 3.8 m, compared with diamond drill hole 101457-0 one metre away that returned 22.9 g/t Au over 3.8 m. Aurizon says that two reserve blocks covering the area where a cross-cut has been completed have estimated grades of 14.5 g/t and 9.7 g/t. Previous reported reserves of the Lower Inter zone were 1.75 million tonnes at 6.1 g/t Au.

Call Aurizon president David Hall at 604-687-660 or visit for more information about Casa Berardi.


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