EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS – Globalstar Slashes Phone Rates

Canada's leading satellite telephone service provider, Globalstar Canada, has dropped its rates as much as 75%, to...


Canada's leading satellite telephone service provider, Globalstar Canada, has dropped its rates as much as 75%, to as low as 32 cents/minute. The cost of handsets has also dropped dramatically, down one-third to $995. The new pricing follows consolidation of Globalstar's Canadian and U.S. operations.

Over 80% of the world's land area and all of its oceans are outside the reach of conventional mobile phone technologies. And no prospector who really wants to find a minable deposit sits around populated areas just in case his phone should ring. Satellite phones can only increase in importance, and the new pricing makes them more attractive than ever for both voice and data transmission. Go to for complete details of the new airtime pricing plans and a selection of handsets and accessories.


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