The ONTARIO MINING ASSOCIATION's First Nations video "Mining New Opportunities" made its international debut on Mar. 6 at the World Mines Ministries Forum in Toronto. This video was the centrepiece of a plenary session on "Mining Education for Indigenous People" held at the mineral conference. <br>
The 14-minute video, which is intended to help First Nations residents gain a better understanding of the mineral industry, was created by BIG SOUL, an Aboriginal-owned and -operated television production house. This video is produced in five languages Cree, Oji-Cree, Ojibway, English and French.<br>
Said OMA president Patrick Reid: "We see this video as a way to help promote partnerships with First Nations to allow for greater participation in the social and economic benefits of responsible mineral development." <br>
The OMA provided the initial funding, management and development for the project. The Ontario Minister of Northern Development & Mines, Rick Bartolucci, said that the NORTHERN ONTARIO HERITAGE FUND will be a sponsoring partner in this cooperative venture. This support goes along with a contribution from FedNor, which was announced by Nipissing MPP Bob Wood recently.<br>
Mining New Opportunities will complement a second video, to be produced in partnership with the Ministry of Northern Development & Mines, Natural Resources Canada and Indian & Northern Affairs Canada. For further information contact Peter McBride of the OMA at (416) 364-9301,