CASA BERARDI, Quebec CAMBIOR INC. is stepping up its exploration program on the Gemini-Turgeon property located 10 km south of here. Work includes geophysical surveys and a 3,800-m drill program to be completed this year. Cambior can acquire 50% of CANCOR MINES' interest in the project by completing $2.5-million-worth of work on the property and paying $100,000 to Cancor. Currently Cancor owns 100% of the Turgeon property and 75% of the Gemini property. (Inco holds the remaining 25%.)
The Gemini-Turgeon project covers a 20-sq-km area of a felsic volcanic formation. Earlier work done by Cancor identified a volcanogenic sulphide lens enriched in copper, zinc, gold and silver in zone B, and a significant gold occurrence in zone A of the Turgeon.
The news was jointly released by Cancor ( and Cambior (