The New Year is upon us. This is the season of good intentions. Almost everyone makes resolutions, and most everyone breaks them. Here's a suggestion: Think Small.
Think small? Yes. Make resolutions in small, realistic steps.
Rather than setting out to find the motherlode, take a course and upgrade one of your work skills. Instead of vowing to cut downtime in half, implement maintenance practices that will increase uptime.
Instead of vowing to lose all that extra weight, make a commitment to replace cookies with fruit for a month. Get out and walk briskly for 20 minutes a day instead of promising to join an expensive health club.
Instead of swearing to be a better parent, take the kids to Tim Hortons after practice and ask about your child's likes and dislikes. Set aside a few minutes when you get home to talk to your spouse or call a friend. Send birthday greetings on time to your family; that's more realistic than hoping to be kinder to your relatives.
The problem with most New Year's resolutions is that they are too general, too undefined to be kept. Think about all the steps that have to be taken to accomplish the goal of a resolution, then choose one step in that direction. Everyone has a real sense of accomplishment and confidence when they reach a goal. Good luck to all.
All of us at CMJ wish all of you a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!
Marilyn Scales (field and Net News editor)
Ray Perks (publisher)
Jane Werniuk (editor)
Vic Buklis (inside sales)
Irene Fu (web master)